Efficiency Is Everything: What the Airline Industry Can Teach Us About External Development Strategy
As ExDev in games matures as a discipline, there is much to learn from other sectors that have successfully optimized complex business-to-business operational systems.
The airline industry is a sprawling web of partnerships where efficiency and risk management are paramount. This presentation examines several strategies airlines use to optimize their operations, and in doing so reveals valuable insights for how devs and service providers can better organize themselves – and ultimately create better games.
The presentation explores three operating models from the airline industry: Hub and Spoke, Point-to-Point, and Virtual Hub. By examining the advantages and disadvantages of each, attendees will learn the relative merits of applying such models to External Development. They’ll learn actionable strategies to optimize their outsourcing practices, increase efficiency, and deliver high-quality games in collaboration with great partners.
Devs and Service Providers will both walk away better able to answer the question, “what does good ExDev look like for us?”