By xd_adminsummit
Table-Topic: Developing Cultural Resonance – The 25th Century Oceania X Project
A pan-global creative problem solving experiment between Eastern and Western Developers, Publishers and Vendors set in the 25th Century.
This session is part of a developing Cultural Resonance in Outsourcing initiative to address Cultural Resonance between Publishers, Developers and Outsourcing Vendors in creating congruency between the artists and professionals on both sides of the production chain by adapting good emotional intelligence principles to expand cultural understanding competency.
- Format – Developers, Publishers, and Outsourcing Professionals must collaborate together to decipher an extraterrestrial message which contains the key to save the planet.
- Size – A breakout room of 4 -6 people for the purposes of the exercise
- Timeframe – 10 minute Breakout session collaboration exercise
- Assignment – each team will be provided a Brainstorm template assignment sheet and will present their final results after the breakout session has concluded.